Last major coding undertaking before launching

3 min readDec 19, 2021


The last major coding addition before I could possibly launch my first platform is complete. Granted, I still have additional work to do before it sees the light of day, but as far as major undertakings are concerned, my task list is 0. And it feels pretty dang good to finally be here. A long time coming if you ask me.

The reason it has taken so long is because I plan on launching multiple platforms using nearly the same codebase for each. Thus, I needed to build out all major functionalities before launching even one. I did not, and do not, want to add the same code multiple times to different Github repos. That would be a major pain in the butt and a poor use of time.

In addition, once the platforms are launched, my focus needs to be redirected to user acquisition, rather than making changes to the codebase. I’m sure I’ll need to do some coding work thereafter, but I don’t want it to be very much. Thus, my goal is to get the platforms to a point where very little changes need to be made. Fully-featured and good-to-go upon launch. I’m at that point for one of them, with

Since StoryDrafters is a writing-based platform, I decided I could forgo adding image uploads to the database (and learning how to display them on various screen sizes within user’s posts). Basically, I decided to keep StoryDrafters pure. Pure and simple. Not to mention my Mongo Atlas database costs will be much cheaper without them, and as an accountant by degree, I can’t help but like that fact.

Image uploads will be important for some of the other platforms, so I will complete this task eventually, but for now, I want to at least get one platform up and running. I want to showcase my work to the world, and pray to god that something comes of it. After all, I would be far more efficient with involvement from others, whether that be from discussions with people using the platform, to coding contributors, or even backers of the venture. I need interaction. It’s been far too long working on my own.

To wrap this up, I’ll share that I’m pretty excited to be at this point, and even though I’m tooting my own horn here, it amazes me what I’ve learned along the way. Even if my platform(s) end up being a big nothing-burger, the experience of building them and bringing them to market will be invaluable to my professional life regardless. I mean, I coded an entire freakin’ social media application with automated peer-to-peer payments using the Bitcoin (SV) Blockchain for goodness sake. I built a codebase that enables people to earn income directly from their audience while receiving 100% of the cut, for contributing content that other people appreciate or find useful, intelligent, or interesting. Or perhaps a combination of a few. I built something pretty noteworthy if I don’t say so myself. That has to count for something in some way. I guess we’ll see soon enough…, coming soon to a browser near you.



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